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With rapid seroconversion and a robust immune response, RABIPUR offers protection against rabies for your patients, wherever they roam.


RABIPUR is indicated for active immunisation against rabies in people of all ages. RABIPUR should be used in accordance with official recommendations.


Rabipur Rabies Vaccine

Folkhälsomyndigheten recommend prophylaxis rabies vaccination for the following:

  • Veterinarians, gamekeepers, people employed with and customs services and animal quarantine controls
  • Persons with professional contact with bats
  • Laboratory personnel at risk of exposure to rabies viruses
  • Those travelling in high risk rabies regions



RABIPUR triggers an effective immune response to the rabies virus before and after rabies exposure, so it can be used as a pre-exposure prophylaxis vaccine (PrEP) as well as for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)


  • PrEP vaccination with RABIPUR simplifies the post-exposure vaccination schedule and eliminates the need for rabies immunoglobulin (RIG) treatment which may not be readily available in many low income countries.​​​​​*

*(RIG) should not be administered to previously vaccinated patients


  • PEP may be used to prevent clinical manifestations of rabies, as long as clinical symptoms have not developed​​​​
  • In accordance with WHO, in individuals potentially exposed to a rabid animal, development of rabies may be prevented with:
    • Extensive washing and local treatment of the wound as soon as possible after exposure
    • A course of potent and effective rabies vaccine, such as RABIPUR, that meets WHO standards, and
    • Administration of rabies immunoglobulin (RIG), if indicated


  • RABIPUR is for intramuscular administration only
    • For adults and children ≥2 years of age, the vaccine should be administered into the deltoid muscle
    • For children <2 years, the anterolateral area of the thigh is recommended


WHO recommends consideration of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for outdoor travellers to remote areas with a high rabies exposure, where immediate medical care may be limited.


Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

In adults and children, the recommended dose for both primary immunisation and boosters is 1.0 mL

During 2019 Folkhälsomyndigheten published new recommendations for rabies prophylaxis which follow the WHO guidelines. The number of doses of the rabies vaccine have been changed in comparison to the previous recommendations.

Primary Immunisation
  • In previously unvaccinated individuals, three doses administered according to the conventional or rapid regimen*


Rabipur Dosing
*The rapid regimen should only be considered for adults aged 18-65 years not able to complete the conventional pre-exposure prophylaxis regimen within 21 or 28 days before protection is required.


RABIPUR’s rapid scheme gives the flexibility to vaccinate adults who require urgent pre-exposure protection


Booster Doses

  • Booster doses are generally recommended every 2–5 years. Timing for booster after vaccination with rapid regimen has not yet been established
  • Serological testing for the presence of antibody ≥0.5 IU/ml to assess the need for booster doses should be conducted in accordance with official recommendations
  • RABIPUR may be used to boost individuals previously immunised with any human diploid cell rabies vaccine

Post-exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)

  • RABIPUR for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) can be used together with Rabies Immunoglobulin (RIG) in 5-dose (Essen) or 4-dose (Zagreb) regimen
    • For detailed information on PEP vaccination schedules please consult the SmPC.
  • PEP should commence as soon as possible after exposure


Recommended PEP according to type of exposure

Not every animal bite requires rabies post-exposure prophylaxis

When suspect rabid animal contacts (excluding bats) occur in areas free of carnivore-mediated rabies and where there is adequate surveillance in place, PEP may not be required. The decision must be based on expert risk assessment


Category of exposure Type of exposure to a domestic or wild a) animal suspected or confirmed to be rabid, or animal unavailable for testing Recommended post-exposure prophylaxis
Touching or feeding animals
Licks on intact skin
Contact of intact skin with secretions or excretions of a rabid animal or human case
None, if reliable case history is available.
Nibbling of uncovered skin
Minor scratches or abrasions without bleeding
Administer vaccine immediately b)
Stop treatment if animal remains healthy throughout an observation period of 10 days c) or is proven to be negative for rabies by a reliable laboratory using appropriate diagnostic techniques.
Single or multiple transdermal bites d) or scratches, licks on broken skin.
Contamination of mucous membrane with saliva (i.e. licks). Exposure to bats. e)
Administer rabies vaccine immediately, and rabies immunoglobulin, preferably as soon as possible after initiation of post-exposure prophylaxis. Rabies immunoglobulin can be injected up to 7 days after first vaccine dose administration.
Stop treatment if animal remains healthy throughout an observation period of 10 days or is proven to be negative for rabies by reliable laboratory using appropriate diagnostic techniques


a) Exposure to rodents, rabbits or hares does not routinely require rabies post-exposure prophylaxis.
b) If an apparently healthy dog or cat in, or from a low-risk area is placed under observation, treatment may be delayed. 
c) This observation period applies only to dogs and cats. Except for threatened or endangered species, other domestic and wild animals suspected of being rabid should be euthanized and their tissues examined for the presence of rabies antigen by appropriate laboratory techniques.
d) Bites especially on the head, neck, face, hands and genitals are category III exposures because of the rich innervation of these areas. 
e) Post-exposure prophylaxis should be considered when contact between a human and a bat has occurred, unless the exposed person can rule out a bite or scratch or exposure of a mucous membrane.


Post-exposure immunisation regimens for previously unvaccinated individuals

  • (RIG) should be administered once on day 0 at the time PEP is initiated
Rabipur Post Exposure
*A shortened Essen regimen (day 0, 3, 7, 14)  may be used as an alternative for healthy, immunocompetent individuals provided they receive wound care plus rabies immunoglobulin in category III as well as in category II exposures and a WHO-prequalified rabies vaccine

** One injection in each of the two deltoids or thigh sites


Post-exposure immunisation regimens for previously vaccinated individuals

  • In previously vaccinated individuals, post-exposure prophylaxis consists of two doses administered on days 0 and 3. Rabies immunoglobulin is not indicated in such cases.